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Native Advertising Examples - Case Studies

Native advertising is paid content that matches a publication’s editorial standards while meeting the audience’s expectations. While it may sound like it's no different than an advertorial, there are some key differences. A good native ad should align with the publication or site’s established editorial style and tone and should provide the same sort of content the publication’s audience typically expects. There are many studies on what is Native Advertising, this one from IAB is a fairly detailed one.

Not everyone likes it, but with banner blindness and ad blockers getting in the way of banner ads, there is an increased demand for native advertising from advertisers and brands. There are some good articles that goes in to the ROI of native ads and the current state of this industry.

Big thanks to all the contributors who helped me build this resource. The idea behind this project is to highlight some of the best native advertising examples. I am focusing on custom branded native ads and will not consider traditional Recommendation Widgets, In-Feed Units, Promoted Listings and other forms of native ads. Please drop me a line on twitter @Saijo_George if you have come across other great examples of native advertising. Our privacy policy.